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elle gets her horny holes filled!

I came all the way from London to Prague for a steamy session with Cage. I was lying on the sofa looking at a magazine and got horny so I started rubbing my body all over, playing with my breasts and my twat. Cage comes in and immediately goes for my tits. He sticks his fingers in my mouth getting them wet, and toying with my nipples, they stand right up. I want his cock bad at this point so I pull it out and stroke him up and down, and getting my horny ass in doggy, I suck and jerk him off hard and strong. Cage holds me by my head and pumps his cock in and out of my mouth, fucking my face with little to no care at all. I want to show him my wetness and take my panties off so he can lick and finger my pussy. He pulls his fingers from my cunt and sticks them in my mouth. Oh how I love the taste of my sweet juices! We re so hot by then that he takes me in every position to get to both of my holes and makes sure to have me lick him off in between for some PTM and ATM action. After one final thrust in my tight ass hole, he shoots his load off all over my booty and pussy. I rub his warm cum all around, lick my fingers clean, and slip his cock back in my mouth for one last final suck. I ll definitely be visiting Prague again soon!

  • 00:25:13
  • Dec 25, 2005
  • 338


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