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horny girls filled to the brim!

When Franco gets upset with Cherry and Miki, they do what they can to make the best of the situation and calm him down, and you know that entails plenty of double cock sucking, enough to make any man happy! The girls take their bras off so Franco can kiss and suck on their tits, and they go down to suck on his thick black cock and cum brewing balls and Franco holds their heads so he can fuck them in their mouths. The girls take turns getting their pussies stuffed by Franco while the other sticks their wet box in Franco’s mouth, assists in the stuffing, toys with the other’s asshole, or sucks the cunny juices off of Franko’s rod. And when he’s had enough of their pussies, he takes them both in their asses, gaping their puckered holes wide, making sure for some ATM in between. For the grand finale, Franko stabs his big chocolate meatstick in Cherry’s holes, going back and forth between fucking her tight ass and wet puss as she licks Miki’s snatch, while Mike plays with her tits. Franco slides his cock out of Cherry’s sloppy cunt and she sucks and slobbers from above as Miki licks and sucks his balls from just below. Then the pop-shot, Mmmmm, all over them!

  • 00:29:16
  • Oct 16, 2007
  • 431


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