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a winged jewel between her legs!

Jenny Wings is a one of a kind cutie! She s hot in almost every way. Brunette with an insatiable appetite for sausage and a well rounded figure that most of us would love to maneuver around our beds and in our heads. She does a have a super unique feature though, hence her name " Wings" . Her pussy is so tight that basically the outside labia have crumpled up and become like bat wings. They kind of cover and sheath the young girls pussy, and its difficult for a cock to get in there unless she spreads her wings. Then her pussy looks like it s gonna fly! Come on Jenny, fly that thing right into our mouths please!She is very eazy to work with. She moves naturally for the camera and is extroverted enough not to have problems with showing off her sexuality. You will see much more of this girl in the near future!

  • 00:28:23
  • Mar 31, 2001
  • 539


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