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suffer for me with subtitles

Now with full captions so you don t miss a thing, but this is also available without the subtitles.

In this custom video you get to see my sadist side as I instruct you to do various painful and humiliating tasks including hurting your tongue, nipples, and balls. While I do laugh at your suffering and tease you about making a mess this is a gentle and positive video in terms of domination style, I give you plenty of praise and let know know just how much I m enjoying seeing you suffer for me. I do test the mean spikey nipple clamps on myself so you get a little bit of my own masochism and pain faces, but the emphasis is definitely on you as I eventually bring myself to orgasm with my doxy wand, thinking about just how much pain you are in just to please me. If you are very good you might even get to cum yourself. This video is intended for people with balls, and I use the phrase good boy a few times, but the instructions could easily be adapted for labia if you desire. If you would like the full experience feel free to DM me for details about how to acquire any items you might be missing.

  • 00:20:18
  • Dec 02, 2023
  • 58


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