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stripper pole and orgasm

Sarai was playing volleyball with the girls every weekend. She loved the sport, the energy and being outside in the sun. Today things went very differently. Mia surprised the girls with her Girls Gone Wild camera team. Every girl would do anything to be in the movies. Or at least on the web. So it was easy to convince Sarai to stop playing ball and join Mia in the party bus. The party bus was giant and it had a stripper pole in them middle. Sarai showed her moves. Her body was nicely trained. Then she sat on the bench and started to masturbate. She was a two finger girl. Two fingers up her vagina gave her the biggest pleasure. She moved those fingers in and out, rubbed her clit and orgasmed.

  • 00:11:06
  • Mar 01, 2019
  • 329


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