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besties at the club

Just how much fun can two cute besties have at the club? Judging by the scene you are about to watch, we would say a TON! Brunette coed Virginia Riley, 18, gets overwhelmingly turned on after watching her best friend Kali Scott, 19, touch and tease herself in public! On the dance floor! Virginia gets so HOT watching her friend climax that her panties are soaking wet when Kali returns to their VIP table. These sexy girls immediately turn on the heat, passionately kissing and touching each other - while people watch! Kali is anxious to get her bestie naked. She tears off Virginia’s dress and then pulls her pretty pink panties to the floor. Here’s the best part - they get into a sixty-nine position for double the pleasure.

  • 00:19:30
  • Mar 19, 2015
  • 195


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