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naughty little bridesmaid

There is just something about weddings that get the ladies all hot and bothered. Naughty little bridesmaid sneaks away for some fun after receiving a call from her boyfriend, who couldn’t make the wedding. She steps into the bathroom and turns the edge of the tub into her own personal phone sex booth. This precious princess plays between her soft sun-kissed thighs, as she daydreams about the hot girl on girl action she had earlier with one of the other bridesmaids. After switching into doggy style position, Simone finishes her sex session by sucking her fingers clean. We are sure you’re wondering if she taste as good as she looks. We bet the other bridesmaid, Shelby, can vouch for that, just as she’s caught filming Simone’s beautiful orgasm.

  • 00:11:06
  • Mar 21, 2015
  • 200


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