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room service

We dialed Room Service and future Girl of the Month Jordan Garza showed up with breakfast. We were TOTALLY blown away by this 18 year-old hottie, who tells us she has worked for a short time at the hotel where we were staying in Palm Springs, California. Jordan’s hotness makes even a hotel uniform look good - the shorts flatter her amazing legs and ass; the tight black polo accentuates her delicious boobs. But what drove us really crazy was Jordan’s sweetness and innocence for one so HOT! The Girls Gone Wild cameraman couldn’t believe his luck when the Minnesota native shyly agreed to shed the uniform in a subtle striptease we’ll NEVER forget. Jordan ditched the last of her inhibitions when offered the chance for her first girl-on-girl experience with 18 year-old Skylar Welch. We really hope Jordan

  • 00:21:09
  • Mar 18, 2015
  • 25


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