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damsel in disdress

So we pull up on Justine and her van has broken down. Good thing we have a perfectly functioning one right here and we are every bit as much pervs as we are gentleman, so we offer assistance. She seems to have it covered, but we are the ones trying to uncover what she has under her shirt. We let her know what we are all about and offer her a ride and 500 to see her tiddies. She is actually amused at the fact that 3 grown men are trying to see her titts, so she is more than happy to show them. She then catches us off guard by telling us she is a nudist and gets completely naked. Peter not one to miss a party gets naked with her. It all fun and laughs until she notices Peters full on erection. Before we can try to offer her the usual deal, she grabs his dick, shocking us again. She actually starts leading the dance and asks Peter can she suck it. Now in her mouth, Peter begins to fuck her face, which makes her even more horny, so she just has to sit on it. Her and Peter get the van rocki

  • 01:01:21
  • Nov 29, 2023
  • 1250


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