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bus stop bunny

It was a lovely evening in Miami and Chase was horny. Chase likes his latinas short and thick (me too). So he decides to go on a street search for the hottest latina he could find. After a few hours he comes across a lovely Puerto Rican hottie sitting at the bus stop. Once she s told that they work for Bang Bros her worries seem to vanish. It just so happens that this hot mamita has always fancied porn and watches Bang Bros all the time. Chase asks her if she would ever be down to film a scene or two and she replies with I ve thought about it . My kinda woman! They invite her to the crib for a lil convo about her possibilities in the industry and she accepts. She s a brave chick I must say. She hesitated a bit but eventually got in the car. Once they get back to the apartment she sees the lights all set up and laughs realizing that she could possibly be in a porn that very night. It s a try out so to speak and she s a show off for sure! She models for a bit but once Chase starts playing with her and making her feel at home things start to get hot and heavy quick. Mamita takes the cock like a champ and can suck the milk right out of one quick fast if she so desired or at least that s what I got out of what I observed. Boricua ( Puerto Rican ) ladies are the shit!! Enjoy!

  • 00:57:36
  • Mar 19, 2010
  • 133


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