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double fun!

What s up Fellas!!!..We got a serious pair of starlets for you this time around. For all you guys who have been waiting to double your pleasure and see a set of sexxxy vixens go wild for us, here we go. The sexy Chase Chandler and the tremendously seductive Elexia Hilton make their way into the official starlet interview couch, so that we could get some more information about their career in the adult entertainment industry. We found out a lot about how these two real life roommates broke their way in to the porn game and how they like to fuck on camera as a dynamic duo. After getting all up and personal, the ladies decided to show us why they are such stars, by stripping and showing off their sexy bodies. Chase started us off by revealing her sexy titties and playing with her sweet pussy, and Elexia could not control herself and she started to take her clothes off and started playing with Chases s tantalizing pussy. (What a n amazing pair these two blondes are!!!) The action got extremely wild once they invited JT over to join them on the couch. These girls could not wait to see what he was working with, and they were satisfied once he dropped his pants. The girls bent over on the couch to show us their sexy asses and beautiful cameltoe pussies. That’s when my boy JT had to give it to these girls. Fellas, these girls are soooooo much fun. Enjoy these stars......

  • 00:41:15
  • May 18, 2008
  • 180


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