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angel gets naughty with a bottle!

Angel Rivas is the very definition of “hot”! Baring her tight and tanned 32B-24-34 bod, she figuratively grabs hold of our cocks and strokes us into mental orgasms as she poses barefoot on the veranda of a tropical resort. She poses her sensational legs, and then she gets down to the serious business of mesmerizing us with the pinkness of her inner pussy as it gleams out between her dark outer lips.Attempting to cool herself off, she pours water from a big green bottle all over her heated coochie, which is barely contained by skimpy panties; but once the carnal combustion starts she has to see it through to the end, and fucks herself with the big bottle while we watch. Afterward she shows off her smooth belly and round ass, and gives us long peeks in closeup at her tempting asshole, which clearly requires the immediate service of a tongue, cock, or both!!

  • 00:15:34
  • Oct 14, 2010
  • 217


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