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sleeping beauty takes over!

Sultry redhead Graziella Diamon is sleeping in her pink bra and panties on top of rumpled but shiny blue and gray satin sheets. There’s a fantastic closeup of her naked feet in repose against those sheets, her soles looking like wonders of the universe against a galaxy of stars! Choky Ice comes into the room after taking a shower and can’t resist kissing and nibbling on her high arches, getting so aroused that he soon has to rub his boner between her soles. But this awakens Graziella and she quickly takes charge. Pointing her pink polished toes, she rubs Choky’s prick between her ankles and then licks and sucks his dick while holding it in her feet. He kisses her ass as she jacks him with her agile peds, and soon she sits on his face and he gets to lap at her pussy and toes while feeling the weight of her exciting body against his chest. Graziella gives off an air of supreme confidence in her footjob skills, and when you see the extensive closeups in this pictorial, you’ll understand why! She seems to know every move a woman can make with her toes and soles. Even when she’s in the doggie style position, she’s able to fully control Choky’s pulsing pork. She jacks him off for a splattering finish along the curves of her soles, and then with her artfully lipsticked mouth sucks the cream right off her big toe.

  • 00:16:11
  • Jun 10, 2010
  • 196


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