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the pantyhose beneath her jeans

Never underestimate the power of a pair of jeans! Especially tight white jeans. They look particularly potent on Jessica Bee in her debut pictorial for us.Underneath those snug pants she s got white pantyhose and panties that match her black-and-white striped top. She also wears strappy sandals on her pantyhosed toes. Jessica strips for us slowly, giving us many views of her round butt in the taut tights. When she finally gets the jeans halfway off, she starts rubbing a pink vibrator over her pantyhose crotch, then inside her pantyhose. Once she finally tugs her panties aside, we get to see her plump little shaver. She pushes the pantyhose down and poses on a chair so that we can see her soles while she fills her quim with her toy. The pantyhose puddles around her ankles and clings smoothly to her feet, and if you blow up the closeups on your computer, you can worship Jessica s soles while she satisfies herself with the toy! Eventually she pulls her pantyhose off her feet completely and we get nice eyefuls of her very high-arched feet. Judging by her sly little smile at the end, it looks like Jessica knows what we ll be up to--more than once--as we admire her pictures!

  • 00:20:36
  • Nov 23, 2010
  • 115


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