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the sexiest witch around!

See Kami in her witch hat, displaying her size seven tootsies as she gets fully into the spooky mood of spiders and ghosts and pumpkins and, most importantly from our point of view, orange and black over-the-knee socks, and orange ankle strap platform sandals. With cute toy tarantulas crawling up her legs and grinning pumpkins looking pleased as punch to be manipulated by her stocking feet, Kami is the centerpiece of a truly fun and sexy holiday performance. Of course, she doesn t get so distracted by all the insects and spirits that she forgets to peel down her panties and show us her pussy, but for our fetish purposes the sexiest shots are the ones where she dominates a pumpkin, whose orange face with its wide smile looks as if he s happy to stand in for all our faces as he gets stood on by Kami s foot. She brings the pumpkin into bed with her, where the lucky fella gets really close to her bare snatch, while she takes off her socks and crams them between her toes and thighs. Plastic spiders crawl over her insteps, and cute little ghosts dangle from her toes and nestle in the nooks of her soles, as Kami thoroughly indulges the spirit of this holiday. It all ends with some really great shots of the spider on her soles and her pretty feet posed on the floor.

  • 00:25:20
  • Oct 28, 2010
  • 159


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