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stiff cock meats pink socks!

Check out this sneaker-and-sock worship scenario with Nick sniffing Marilyn s especially colorful tennis shoes, sucking her feet through her cute pink nylon socks, and then getting rewarded with Marilyn sucking and fucking him. She eventually takes off her socks and Nick gets to feast on those with his mouth and nose, and even to rub them against his eyes.But even while Marilyn is blowing Nick, the watchful cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his production crews never lose sight of the fact that this is a foot fetish encounter, so the lens constantly captures Marilyn s tempting soles as they are thrust in our direction, almost as if she wants her foot admirers to lick and kiss her heels and toes while she enjoys the dick of her man. Those who have cuckold fantasies will love this photo set and its accompanying High Definition video! But, like most great erotica, the set works even if you don t have this kind of fantasy. It s just as great to simply watch Marilyn and her long legs and provocative toes have an all-around good time, ending up with dollops of semen all over her flexing feet!

  • 00:23:17
  • Sep 23, 2010
  • 167


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