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hot babe posing her big tits

fascinating appearance by Merilyn Sekova, this time showing her freewheeling in a forest clearing somewhere in Ukraine. Clad in jeans, down vest, and a green hoodie, she prances, jiggles, and weaves around, then stretches out on the grass. “I like wild nature!” she says in her sexy accent. “My breasts is for you. I think my tits is the best in the world. Do you like my tits and me?” We sure do, Merilyn (drool, stroke, squirt!!), and we watched with delight as she teased us by zipping and unzipping the front of her hoodie, giving us peeks at her phenomenal cleavage. For a little while she takes off the hoodie, but it’s cold outside and she puts it back on--not covering up her tits, though. She picks up a dandelion and sticks it in the valley of her boobs: “My tits like flower. A flower for you!” Many are the legions of titmen who would probably chew and swallow that flower right out of her cleavage if amazing Merilyn commanded it!

  • 00:09:30
  • Sep 14, 2010
  • 175


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