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your balls are in her court!

Enjoy a bonus pictorial of long-legged blonde Tiffany from ATK Premium which will be online for our members just one week. And then, on Thursday, its (as the classic phrase goes) Tennis, anyone? Although here at we can proudly say, Tennis with Sandra Shine, anyone? In the blink of an eye a thousand hands will go up, as this very popular model (nineteen pictorials to date) does her best to make her appearance on the DDF courts a memorable one. In fact, tennis isnt really on Sandras mind so much as pouring water all over her shirt and shorts and peeling down to the bare. She shows us her 34D titties and then cools them off with water from a big plastic bottle. Spreading her pussy and sticking lots of fingers in it turns out to be as much of a workout as a few sets of tennis, and of course she ends up drenching her crotch with water too! One things for sure: on this court, there are no losers, only winners, as this delightful Hungarian plumbs her luscious cunny with h

  • 00:21:41
  • Sep 15, 2010
  • 165


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