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drenched in her pantyhose!

From her green-polished toenails to her enthusiasm at taking a shower in her t-shirt and pantyhose, we can tell that new face Lucy Rose is clearly an adventurous gal! You ll see her both dry and drenched as she poses in the tub, showing off her busty body in her tight white pantyhose. Not only does she aim the shower attachment INTO her hose, swamping her pussy with the needle spray, but she then soaps herself OVER the hose, until her round butt and curvy legs are shimmering and white. We get lots of closeups of her feet perched on the edge of the tub. When she finally rinses off, the hose are almost invisible against her flesh, like a second skin. When she peels that down, we see the bottoms of her feet, still in the pantyhose, her toes poised for sucking. Hmm, who wants to be first to kneel down by the side of the tub and take orders from Lucy to shrimp her tootsies through the stretchy fabric? Ye ole horny reporter has the feeling that it might be fun to do whatever crazy stuff this wild Lucy asks for. And for those of you who like boobs as well as feet, you ll get to enjoy closeups of Lucy stretching her pantyhose over her big dark-nippled titties, courtesy of the camera work of Denys DeFrancesco and his photo crews.Lucy Rose projects a casual "what do you want to see next?" mood, and we have no doubt that she ll be popping up in future pictorials and movies doing more of the unexpected!

  • 00:20:15
  • Sep 07, 2010
  • 171


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