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tremendous ta-tas!

Super-cutie Alina tempts us on a bed which is outfitted with a white sheet printed with a pattern of yellow rosesthe perfect setting for this sweet and innocent looking girl with boyish hips who just happens to have two huge, firm, soft, TITMAN-ENSLAVING BREASTS!!! The video is classic in its simplicity and semen-churning power! Alina rubs her large bosom through her skimpy pink top, and then she takes off the top and rubs her bunnies on the bare. The camera is at a low angle only inches away as she caresses those beauties with a gentle, understanding smile on her face. You will fall in love. You will try to climb into your computer screen. I sure did!!

  • 00:13:50
  • Aug 10, 2010
  • 144


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