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girls get pervy with fishnets!

Nikita Black returns when she clinches with newcomer Aneta J and her size 7s. (If you missed Nikita’s debut on 6/16/10, check it out too.) The ladies are wearing dramatic black and red fishnet leggings, and newcomer Aneta has some wild strappy shoes with zippers too. Aneta displays some very enthusiastic talent for foot lovin’, especially in the HD video, as she takes off Nikita’s shoes, sniffs them, and then licks Nikita’s awesome size 10s.There’s a great shot where Aneta looks right at us, almost teasing us to jump into the picture and have a lick too! The girls peel off their leggings and Aneta flexes her toes at us. Nikita sniffs Aneta’s red leggings and stuffs them into the blonde’s pussy, then pulls them out with her strong toes. A “foot-69” follows with Nikita feasting on Aneta’s feet, and there are great closeups of the girl’s soft creamy soles. Miss Black looks sensational sucking on Aneta’s toes. This set is loaded with great angles on everything from toes to fishnet crotch panels, and the girls have that “we know you’re masturbating” look throughout! The word is HOT! (Now let me take a break to adjust my underwear.)

  • 00:30:28
  • Jun 27, 2010
  • 183


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