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smoking secretary foot fetish scene

When I work in my office at home I often have sexual fantasies. Being that I am solo most of the time in their I can also act them out! It s my home office so I can work in my lingerie, or put on business suits, it s all up to how I feel for that day. Today i went barefoot. I have a small foot fetish and I love the way my feet twinkle and curl in front of a camera. A tie around my neck, button down shirt exposing my delicious breasts, secretary glasses and no panties! One thing I love to do is pull my feet up to my chest and massage my lovely pussy with the heel of it. It almost feels like someone else is doing it for me! I can also do this by bending my legs underneath myself and popping my ass out. It then feels like I m being poked from behind, and I can work like this all day!

  • 00:17:00
  • Sep 21, 2010
  • 143


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