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eve and suzie s pantyhose spree!

Superstar Eve Angel is back for more girl-girl fetish fun, this time with the gorgeous Suzie Carina. The set starts out with Eve in strappy heels with big black bows on the ankle straps, and Suzie in backless wedgie mules. But they quickly doff their shoes to put on purple and pink pantyhose in a slow tantalizing tease show that details every move of the tights up their curvaceous bodies.One great shot shows the girls simply standing there for our admiration with their apple-bottoms encased in the candy-colored hosiery. Then they get down to some serious scissors action, cutting away the pantyhose toes, heels, and crotches so they have easy access to each other’s slits and digits. Both of these beauties are well-displayed in this splendid pictorial, from the strong curves of Eve’s calves on her strappy shoes to the flexing of Suzie’s red-polished toenails as Eve tongues her twat from behind. You’ll practically be able to lick Suzie’s feet yourself when you enlarge the closeups on your computer screen.

  • 00:31:23
  • Jun 06, 2010
  • 202


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