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in shape for sex!

Joana poses for us solo at the beginning of her photos, displaying those very shapely feet with bright red nail polish. When JJ arrives, she soon gets him licking and sucking her toes. Her red nails glisten against his coal-black trousers, but then she gets his dick out of the fly and works his meat with her soles as well as her mouth. But Joana is always conscious of us, her rapt audience, and gives us lingering looks as she simultaneously poses her wrinkled soles and well-stuffed pussy. If you have cuckold fantasies, this set is a goldmine! You ll get to stroke as you stare at Joana losing herself in the sensations of getting relentlessly fucked. She thrusts her feet into the foreground and gives us that Kiss my feet, cuckie slave! look as JJ crams her snatch.Joana and JJ are basically a very athletic pair of vanilla lovers who season their clinch with fetish spice even as they screw on their backs, or standing with Joana on her tiptoes. JJ frequently sucks Joana s toes

  • 00:32:08
  • Jul 22, 2010
  • 169


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