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vibrator in pussy space!

Complete alluring female haughtiness when Kyla Fox appears in a sultry Best of pictorial. The Czech Miss Fox has appeared in eleven sets, including one with none other than the tasty Eufrat, but she is perhaps even better remembered for her 2009 shoots taken during pregnancy with her belly in full beautiful bloom. Now she appears for us in a little black halter blouse and sheer red bodysuit, complete with a vibrator that reminds your scribbler of the sculpture “Bird in Space” by the Romanian sculptor Brancusi. (By the way, have you noticed all the beautiful art, especially paintings and photography, in the background of many DDF pictures?) Kyla quickly doffs the blouse and body suit, which gives her limbs and pussy the freedom she needs to tease our testes with her wide open vibrator show. You’ll also love the great shots of her leaning over on the red chair and presenting her incredible ass for our study and admiration, as well as a simple standing pose toward the end (shot 106) that shows in full length the erotic elegance of her nude form, as well as the tempting slit of her shaven pussy!

  • 00:15:18
  • Jun 02, 2008
  • 122


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