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blonde sensation rules our balls!

Who doesnt want to date a blonde? But if thats not possible today, why not jack a load in honor of a fantastic Romanian blonde whose haughty mouth will entrance you, whose perfect boobs will want to make you suck, and whose pussy gobbles up a ribbed dildo while she presents her ass like shes expecting you to get down on your knees and lick her butthole to orgasm? Im talking about Clare G, a veteran of four sets on our site, whos featured here in a Best of pictorial that will get you licking your lips like a Roman galley slave who hasnt seen a woman in ten years. You especially have to see this set for the phenomenal closeups caught by Denys DeFrancesco and his photo crews of Clares taint--the tissue between her pussy and asshole. Although then youll have to restrain yourself from licking your computer screen!!

  • 00:20:25
  • Jun 21, 2008
  • 32


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