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the stocking industry exposed!

Thrill to another Best of HLF pictorial and High Definition video as we peek into what the stocking business is (probably not) like! Yes, fetish fantasy reigns supreme as sultry raven-haired Roxy Panther demonstrates how a female executive in the stocking trade teases her male colleague with shapely legs clad in micromesh seamed thigh-highs.She quickly takes command of Titus Steel s pork with her soles, mouth, hands, and pussy. While she gets him kissing her feet a little, it s clear she mostly wants to use him as a living dildo for her needs while sticking her feet in OUR direction so we can imagine licking her soles ourselves! When office assistant Caroline de Jaie comes in with some mid-morning coffee, Roxy quickly gets her into the scene. She uses Caroline s feet in nude nylons to keep Titus hard for all the fucking. Soon Roxy has Caroline sucking Titus s tool while taking stockings up her pussy, just before the young man blasts a load onto Caroline s insteps which Roxy licks up. Our only question: any more openings for lusty foot fans at this company?You ll especially enjoy the huge closeups of the girls nylon-sheathed feet as they wiggle and writhe over Titus s jutting tubesteak! And toenail connoisseurs will marvel at how long Caroline keeps hers, complete with French pedicure!

  • 00:29:10
  • Aug 26, 2010
  • 328


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