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greet this feet!

Stretched out on a bed sultry brunette Sahara Knite has scrumptious feet which she displays in strappy sandals. Her slender but curvy body is made for her filmy purple bra and panty ensemble, and her tempting toes look like the reason why cosmetic ists devote entire careers to developing new shades of red nail polish!!Sahara is quite a sensual creature, and in one series of shots kisses her own lovely knee and leaves a red lipstick imprint. Soon she peels off her lingerie and takes off those sandals while the lens comes in tight to capture the soft texture of her peds. Sahara sucks her own toes hungrily, then plays with a vibrator as she flexes her soles in our direction. You can easily imagine getting right down on the floor and worshipping her feet while she plays with herself. No matter what you like to do with a girl s feet--adore them with your tongue, or squirt your load on her soles--you ll find plenty of food for fantasies when you pay a visit to Miss Sahara Knite.

  • 00:17:38
  • Dec 21, 2010
  • 184


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