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nataly s backdoor antics!

Many girls can do anal, but few can do it as amazingly deep as Nataly! Check out this cute Russian redhead in a classic Best of 1By-Night set!First she gives us a very thorough striptease, peeling out of her lacy white camisole and thong panties, and showing off the tempting roundness of her bottom as well as the bright pinkness of her vag. Demonstrating how she can pull her anus apart and stuff it with her fingers, she’s finally warmed up enough to go into the major phase of her show, and your eyeballs will pop with wonder as that dildo is swallowed up right to the hilt in her rear end! And incidentally, her pussy gets a nice workout with that toy, too. Bravo, Nataly!

  • 00:22:21
  • Dec 28, 2010
  • 235


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