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teen beauty tempts us!

We start off the week with a cute blonde who looks as if she decided to explore her naughty side on camera instead of going to college. In her pink top with white polka dots, short-shorts with a skimpy denim crotch that can’t contain her pale yellow cotton panties, and adorable white sneaker socks with pink trim, Eve Jordan is one of our terrific series of Best of pictorials From the moment she doffs her top to reveal two little boobies with tan nipples that will make you ache to suck, this Eve makes us all her eager Adams! No serpent or apple necessary for us to be totally seduced by her luscious teen beauty. You’ll love the phenomenal closeup where her smooth pussy peeks out of her panty crotch (you’ll feel like a tourist at a great natural wonder), and be sure to look for the sexy shot where Eve sits on the floor, her legs splayed wide apart, her eyes dreamily closed as she moves a blue vibrator over her titties in preparation for some deep masturbation. You’ll wish you could take out those little hair clips in the front of her blonde tresses for souvenirs of this fantastic session!

  • 00:18:41
  • Aug 08, 2010
  • 154


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