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double penetration for pretty susy gala

Usually things get out of control, and that happens over and over again. This time we meet the pretty Susy Gala, in order to make a photo session. On the other hand, Bryan wanted to learn something about the lights and other technical stuff. And if we also consider that Terry is the photographer, you can imagine the messy situation that comes up in a jiffy! These two horny guys start telling stories about the fact that the pictures are so very artistic and end up fucking the model in every whole. In the beginning they try to hide a little their intentions, but in the end they put their dicks even into her throat, also up to the end of her pussy and as this was not enough, they make a heavy double penetration. Susy is not even upset. On the contrary, she asks for more, and she wants to come again. This is crazy! Thank God that I was around, so that I could film every single detail with my camera, so that you can watch the scene now! Oh, and don t forget that it is done in best high qual

  • 00:30:52
  • Aug 19, 2022
  • 395


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