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for anyone who joined after i sent the ppv out, if you would like to get this film, friends make eryn their punchbag

For anyone who joined after I sent the PPV out, if you would like to get this film, Friends Make Eryn Their Punchbag, then just DM me and I ll send it out to you.

Because I m a pain slut and insatiable masochist, to wind down after a long mesmerotic shoot I suggested that faeriewillow hypnohedonista and sinisterdenial might all want to gang up on me and use me as a punch bag for a bit. This is a hard BDSM shoot with heavy impact but also with very explicit consent throughout and you can tell we re all having an awesome time. There s lots of stomach impact, cunt kicking, nipple twisting, flesh biting, general sadistic goodness. I start with my arms above my head and over time end up pulled higher and higher till I m on tiptoes, then one leg only, while Sinister keeps cruelly squeezing my calf muscles and giving me a dead leg so I struggle to hold myself up. Willow devises a fun game where she encourages me to fight against my restraints in an attempt to kiss her while Trix and Si

  • 00:00:29
  • Jun 09, 2021
  • 20


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