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In all things, practice is so important to make sure that one s skills at a chosen pursuit are kept at their highest level of proficiency. This might seem obvious but how so many people forget it and let their talents atrophy! Not everything in life is like a riding a bicycle, which you never forget...In our view, then, the essence of great blowjobbery is to stay in steady practice! So Rubber Ruby doesn’t lay idle when waiting for her Master D. to show up. She spends some quality time with her dildo, keeping those rich red lips ready and eager for the real thing.It’s amazing how when she lays back and thrusts the toy in her mouth, it almost feels like Master D. is already there with her...grasping it with both hands, she blows the proxy prick almost as if she expects it to come to life and squirt down her throat!Fortunately, Master D. shows up just in time to fulfill her yearning for his tool. How delicious it is to taste it and feel it across her lips and tongue, to look up and worship it...and to lean over it and pull its heat into her!Yes, Ruby s face merges with the meat of Master D., and it is sweet ecstasy! Below her pussy portals flood with excitement as she looks at him with her amazing eyes as she sucks his inches deep...and gets him to release his seed, which she craves! Then, her breasts nestle against his knee as she contemplates the wonders of further adventures with this cock!

  • 00:16:18
  • Apr 09, 2013
  • 145


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