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horny art appreciation!

We’d like to see something like this the next time we go to a museum! Regina Moon is browsing in a sculpture gallery, looking at a striking gold statue of a nude woman, when suddenly the mood overtakes her to demonstrate that she, too, is a work of art. No argument there! Just imagine yourself as a fellow art lover as she bends over, tugs aside her dress, and shows her skimpy undergarment. Sitting on a bench in front of the red velvet rope, she shows us her pert 34B titties and the pinkness of her pussy, then kneels to stick her gorgeous Hungarian butt up in the air for one of our favorite “art” poses! ;) She opens her pussy some more, which is really meaty and plump with thick lips, as she continues to peel off her duds until finally she is standing before us in her curvy, long-legged perfection. Laying back, she parts her cunny again and looks at us with a sultry, dark-eyed expression. Now what mere statue can compete with the torrid Miss Moon?

  • 00:19:56
  • Apr 13, 2008
  • 109


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