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she tantalizes with pantyhose!

Get ready as Kyla Fox teases us in and out of her white patterned pantyhose! Our DDF cameras come in close to get the vital details of her toes peeking through the nylon, and the white thick crotch panel of the tights; then Kyla pulls down her pink skirt and lets us see her ass crack through the transparent material. Sitting back on the couch, she tantalizes us wonderfully with that crotch panel, then peels the pantyhose down so we can enjoy the nudity of her incredibly firm round cheeks. Laying back on the couch, she slides a blue dildo into her snatch while letting us glimpse her horny looking asshole. She fucks herself more with the toy, laying back or riding it like a cowgirl, and showing us her size nine soles in the tights at the same time. Then the tights almost come off until they are just clinging to her feet. She entwines them with her toes, with their golden polished nails, and then she poses her soles for us while letting the vibrator buzz in her quim. From the way she curls her right foot against the cushion, we get the distinct feeling she’s waiting for worship right away!

  • 00:24:37
  • Aug 08, 2012
  • 128


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