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the tush in the teddy

Gentlemen, check out Carmen as she shows off her tight 34B-25-35 body in an animal print cutaway teddy. She tempts us with views of her titties and twat, but especially that amazing derriere. Her strong smooth tan thighs look pretty damn alluring too! Our DDF cameras capture a great tease as she tugs off her teddy, giving us startling closeups of her lickable rosebud. She bends over and spreads her cheeks for us while standing, so we can imagine taking her doggie style. Ass tease is the major focus throughout, and whether you like to spank girls or plow them from behind, you will find this pictorial and video a dream of paradise. Especially sexy is where Carmen lays on her tummy and pushes out her posterior at us. And as if thats not enough, she lays on her back and sticks her butt right in our faces with a knowing grin, her tongue playing over her lips.

  • 00:18:32
  • Jan 07, 2009
  • 176


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