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sweetie acts naughty!

Billy Raise’s nickname is Dark and Lovely, and a quick look at her Best of 1BD set will make you understand why...although Dark and Lovely and CUTE might be even more accurate! This smiling blue-eyed young Czech looks so adorable standing in front of us in her orange tube top and blue denim miniskirt--and if you’re like me, you’ll want to start stroking just from imagining all the delicious things barely hidden by her skimpy clothes! Billy strips, then kneels on a satin turquoise pillow and pulls aside her panties to show us her sweet parts, giving us great views of her pussy and rosebud; but what’s especially sexy to ye lusty ole newsletter scribe are the shots where she lays on her tummy, perking up that delectably round bottom so that I can fantasize giving it a few appreciative pats--or spanks, as the case may be! Naughty Billy, naughty!! You made me CUM!!!

  • 00:12:12
  • May 24, 2008
  • 92


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