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bad boys blowjob!

Nasty is in the mood for some of the kind of action she’s named after when she wakes up her incorrigible bad boy Oliver Strelly. She waited all night for him to come to bed, and then she finds him sprawled on the couch with last night’s bottle, from last night s carousing on the town, still in his hand. A hard-livin’ dude! Nasty wants to stay angry, but she can’t knowing what she would be denying herself--his huge throbbing cock! Oliver doesn’t even have a chance to lower his hoodie before Nasty sets to work on his johnson. It feels so good in her hand--hot and veiny and pulsing--and she immediately takes it deeply into her face, then licks his shaft and balls. Despite his hangover, Oliver manages to stand over Nasty, just as she gets half-undressed so that she can kneel in front of his prick and feel it pushing against the inside of her mouth. They sixty-nine a little, despite Oliver’s headache from last night, but then he stands over her face and powers his prick into her lips from above. He quickly blasts his sperm all over her tongue, chin, and the top of her chest. “All is forgiven, Oliver,” says Nasty, “as long as you can deliver loads like that! But please, if you’re going to stay out all night, at least give me a call so I don t worry!!”

  • 00:13:19
  • Oct 28, 2012
  • 232


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