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satisfied on the saddle!

Lulu rides the Sybian saddle , dressed at her sexy best in black stockings, thong, and a little black top, she moves aside her panty crotch and settles her shaven pussy down on the upright rubber dildo. Our DDF cameras come in close to capture the penetration, and you’ll feel as if your nose is right up next to Lulu’s lips!She switches positions and we get to see her ass in all its globular glory as she spreads it wide to take the Sybian shaft into her cunny from a different angle. Stretching out on the couch, she gives the throbbing toy some oral attention, then removes her panties completely to once again climb aboard the saddle. The cute little devil tattoo on her right cheek looks overjoyed to see that its owner is satisfying herself so completely on the machine. Lulu keeps switching positions, taking the vibe both standing up and laying back, and she winds it all up by sticking the throbber in her asshole for the finale...and her pussy looks all the wetter for it!

  • 00:14:14
  • Dec 18, 2011
  • 146


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