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beer glass becomes a dildo!

The girls these days! You never know what they’re going to shove up their twats next!! Case in point, Mia La Roche. She pours herself a beer into a beautiful glass, and then gets the idea that the glass can serve an entirely different purpose in her young life besides being the vessel of a refreshing libation. Stripping out of her black lace top and sparkly black skirt, she gets down to her thong, plays with her pussy, and then inserts the glass into her long pink slit, which gives us the opportunity for an unusual look down into the depths of her genitalia, but even more provides her with orgasmic bliss. Mia really delights in stuffing herself this way, a broad smile breaking across on her face. She gets on her knees and sits herself down on her glass cowgirl-style too, and afterward happily shares her pinkness with us once she finishes with the glass.

  • 00:17:19
  • Feb 11, 2009
  • 108


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