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squirming for satisfaction!

Klaudia aka Cindy Hope is always a treat! She entertains us by stripping out of a very colorful minidress, first by showing us her butt with her pink panties wedged excitingly between her cheeks, and then by pulling aside the transparent fabric crotch to reveal that dark lipped pussy with the bright pink inside. Cindy stretches out on a couch, tugging apart her buns to let us see her pussy and ass from different angles, looking at us over her shoulder with her sexy “raised eyebrow” gaze and on her tummy, as if she’s waiting either for a doggie style pumping or a sensuous spanking. Licking her fingers and squatting on her haunches, she pulls apart her quim so we can examine it as closely as any gynecologist would, inviting us to play "amateur sex doctor" and get to the “root” of her problem--which, judging by her horniness in this set as she squirms on the couch, seems to be that she needs an orgasm bad!!

  • 00:13:57
  • Jun 24, 2008
  • 146


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