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so tasty and fuckable!

Hannah Hunter relaxes naked in a bed and lets us feast on her curvy nudity. This shapely Hungarian beauty has appeared in many of our DDF sites! Laying on her tummy, she shows off the shape of her fine derriere before letting us study, in closeup, her tongue with its silver spike as she peers at us with her wonderful brown eyes. Can you imagine feeling that kinky bit of jewelry flicking your cock and balls, running along the edge of your shaft?Hannah caresses herself all over, running her maroon-polished fingers along her 38B titties and down to her smooth snatch and legs. Playing with her lady lips, she gets into the doggie position and sticks up her butt, stroking her cunny and then pulling apart her cheeks so we can see her ravishing rosebud too. Laying on her back again, she presses her thighs together, teasing us with her slit and mound, then opens her thighs again wide to let us savor the flower-like inner beauty of her vag. Wow does she ever look so tasty and fuckable!

  • 00:15:59
  • Aug 29, 2008
  • 176


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