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sperm for spunky carmen!

Meet vivacious Carmen as she gives us quite the pussy show! This green-eyed blonde with the mega-watt smile shows herself off in a red bustier, sheer black stockings and strappy heels, and uses a chair as her only prop. She tempts us with her 34B titties, then tugs aside her thong to reveal a very flower-like pussy. Spreading it wide with her fingers with their lavender nail polish, she displays her pink feminine meatiness in gigantic closeups. Then she turns around on her chair and teases us with her shapely behind and teensie-weensie butthole. Squeezing her nipples, she then squats down on her haunches and pulls apart her cunny so wide you could use it for miniature golf. Then Carmen says goodbye by making the sign of a heart with her fingers. She s a cute and perky gal with a lotta spunk--who’s gonna inspire a lotta spunk in YOU!

  • 00:15:10
  • May 17, 2008
  • 172


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