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getting cozy with her dildo!

Hungarian hottie Melissa Bailey gives a clear glass dildo quite the workout! First she slides herself out of her pretty white top and ultra-sexy leopard print pedal-pushers. She shows off her impressive shape with an inviting smile, especially her jutting derriere and the beautiful tattoo at the small of her back.Sucking the dildo hard, she lubes it with saliva to ease its passage into her pouty shaven slit. You’ll be stunned at how narrow Melissa’s waist is as she sits on the edge of the bed preparing the dildo with her mouth! Soon the toy is deep within her moist folds, and she squats on the floor and crams it further as she looks at us with those gorgeous gray eyes. She finishes on her knees on the floor, stuffing the toy in far! The only question left is, how far will you shoot your stuff for Melissa??

  • 00:14:20
  • May 09, 2008
  • 167


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