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hungry, horny czechs!

What do you get when you put one hot brunette Czech with a beautiful blonde one? You get a Czech chick pussy plus ass licking and stretching lesbian showdown! Charlie and Bridgett know just how to work each other and the cameras so that juices are flowing aplenty and close-ups are abundant. They meet in the living room wearing only their lingerie and get right down to business kissing sensually. They suck on each other’s small, pert tits and finger each other vigorously until they’re ready to get nasty with their sex toys, a pretty turquoise vibrator for pumping pussy insertions into Bridgett and a purple one that goes anal for Charlie. They both masturbate meanwhile to bring them to the pinnacle of their excitement, and end just the way they started with a kiss.

  • 00:21:36
  • Aug 20, 2007
  • 175


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