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sensual split-screen masturbation!

We have a video-only treat for you as Dorothy Black masturbates on camera in a split-screen that shows you her face in closeup at the same it zeroes in on the finger action down at her pussy. In this potent clip, which you can enjoy in various formats, you’ll hear every soft moan and breath of this lovely blonde as she rubs her elegantly French-manicured fingers in the extremely wet pocket of her pierced labia. Her mouth with its glossy lipstick looks almost as moist as her flowery slit, and she builds to an explosive orgasm that leaves her twitching and rubbing her head against the pillow as a quick blissful smile flits across her face. You’ll almost be able to feel the plumpness of her drenched and satisfied peach as she squeezes her thighs together in the aftermath of her delightful climax!

  • 00:07:13
  • Jun 20, 2011
  • 167


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