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stuffed with toe!

Blue Angel and Missy get playful on a couch with each other’s well as a few of their other delectable parts! After hugging awhile in the nude, Blue Angel sucks Missy’s tits and then works her way down to the pussy. Then Blue brings her feet into play, sucking on her own toes and slurping on Missy’s at the same time. The gals get into a sixty-nine position, and then Missy worships Blue’s feet more intensely on her own. Blue can’t stop sucking her own feet, either! We get a lot of huge closeups of each girl’s pretty face stuffed with toe.After the naked foot fest, the ladies pull on pantyhose and short blue denim skirts. They slip into flirty little tops and backless high heels, as if they’re about to go out for a night on the town to find themselves some more thrills. Will they be picking up a couple of big-cocked studs to bring home and bang?

  • 00:28:13
  • Feb 06, 2012
  • 210


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