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horny & playful tereza ilova

Hi there guys, My names Tereza Ilova, I was hoping you would cum around. Iâ??m in a very horny and playful mood and you know that itâ??s always better to have company for things like that. If you have seen me before then you know how much I like playing with myself and just thinking about you watching me makes my pussy all wet inside. I got all prettied up in my new white with blue flowers bra and panty set with and then I went out to my living room to play. I started getting hot really fast and I knew that its was going to be a really fun day. I rubbed my legs and as all over and teasingly played with my tits and nipples, licking my fingers and then rubbing them until them round and round. I grabbed a figure from my table and started licking and sucking it all making sure that it was nice and wet before rubbing it arcoss my body. I rubbed it my pussy and across my clit before sticking it inside, it was so big that I could feel my pussy opening up tring to match itâ??s size. I moved it in and out and played with my tits taking myself right to the edge and then I reached down and toyed with my clit giving myself a massive orgasm.

  • 00:14:21
  • Jan 13, 2008
  • 155


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