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inspiring instant stiffies!

Helen from the Ukraine returns in a Best of 1By-Day classic that you MUST see. Dont miss this mouthwatering blue-eyed blonde with a pretty, warm-hearted face and a slender but curvy body. Helen gave me a throbbing boner within one minute of starting to review her pix.This is no mean feat because I am no spring chicken! Lets put it this way, I started writing porn when Richard Nixon was still president!! But Helen looks so scrumptious in her red flowery lingerie that she made me pop an instant stiffie! And those tits! Ohmigod, I just want her to hover over me with those soft 34D beauties! Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture just the perfect angles for me to imagine that Helen is doing just that...and more!! You gotta see her photos and video. A model like Helen reminds me why I went into porn so many decades ago...and stayed in it!!

  • 00:12:08
  • Mar 07, 2011
  • 146


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