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bravo blowjob babes!!

Nassy and Sabrina get really lucky with the length of their lover today when Timur shows up with his enormous endowment. Sabrina, in the black stockings, and Nassy, in the red top and jeans, look delighted at what they’re about to do, as the stud puts both of their pretty faces to work on his jutting johnson. Sabrina absorbs his rod into her mouth while Nassy nuzzles the nuts. Then both girls glom onto the shaft, before shifting to taking turns throating his tubesteak and licking his sac. Throughout the action, the ladies look our way too, inviting us to imagine what they’d do on our pricks as well! Timur lets each babe have her time in the sun with his sausage, moving it back and forth between their mouths. As things progress it becomes clear that these chicks really have the right stuff when it comes to major league length; they truly take this colossal column of carnality deep! Nassy licks Sabrina’s twat while Miss S takes in Timur’s tool, and then Nassy licks Timur’s butt while Sabrina kneels before him and takes a remarkable amount of his fleshy raunch into her face. In fact, it doesn’t even look like there’s enough room for his cock and her brain in her skull at the same time, yet Sabrina takes his prick almost down to the short-n-curlies!! Bravo, Sabrina, and bravo Nassy, for meeting this incredible challenge and then taking Timur s load all over your mouths at the same time!

  • 00:16:53
  • Sep 02, 2012
  • 284


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